
Peer reviewed journal articles   

  1. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C., Dale, B., Dring, C., Gbejewoh, O., Glaros, A., Harrison, H., Knott, C., Loring, P., Mendly-Zambo, Z, Patterson, K., & Power, E. (2024). Advancing basic income as a policy tool for food systems sustainability. Agriculture and Human Values. Available here.  *Listen to a free abridged audio recording here

  2. Lowitt, K., Francis, A., Gunther, L., Madison, B., McGaughey, L., Echendu, A., Kaur, M., Roussel, K-A., St Pierre, Z., & Weppler, Al. (2024). Governing for transboundary environmental justice: A scientific and policy analysis of fish consumption advisory progrmas in the Upper St Lawrence River. Facets. Available here

  3. Lowitt, K., Slater, J., & Rutta, E. (2024). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food systems in Manitoba, Canada and ways forward for resilience: A scoping review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7. Available here

  4. Levkoe, C.Z., Lowitt, K., Furlotte, S., & Sayers, D. (2023). Advancing radical food geography praxis through participatory film: Reflections from an Indigenous-settler food sovereignty collaboration. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies. Available here.

  5. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C.Z., & Sayers, D. (2022). Towards self-determination and resurgence in small-scale fisheries: Insights from Batchewana First Nation fisheries. Maritime Studies 22(1).   

  6. Lowitt, K., Slater, J., Davidson, Z., & Food Matters Manitoba. (2022). The COVID pandemic food security landscape and food movements: Findings from a literature scan in Canada. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 11(3). Available here.  

  7. Lowitt, K. (2021). Linking fisheries policy to sustainable diets: The case of Lake Superior. Canadian Food Studies 8(2). Available here

  8. Clark, J., Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C., & Andrée, P. (2020). The power to convene: Making sense of the power of food movement organizations in governance processes in the Global North. Agriculture and Human Values

  9. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C.Z., Spring, A., Turlo, C., Williams, P., Bird, S., Sayers, D., & Simba, M. (2020). Empowering small-scale, community-based fisheries through a food systems framework. Marine Policy 120

  10. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C.Z., & Nelson, C. (2020). Where are the fish? Using a fish as food framework to explore the Thunder Bay Area fisheries. Northern Review 49, 39-65. Available here

  11. Lowitt, K., Johnston-Weiser, D., Lauzon, R., Keeshig, J., & Hickey, G. (2018). On food security and access to fish in the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Lake Huron, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44(1), 174-183.

  12. Levkoe, C.Z., Lowitt, K., & Nelson, C. (2017). “Fish as food”: Exploring a food sovereignty approach to small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy 85, 65-70. 

  13. Rahman, H.M.T., St. Ville, A., Song, A., Po, J., Berthet, E., Brammer, J., Brunet, N., Jayaprakash, L., Lowitt, K., Rastogi, A., Reed, G., & Hickey, G. (2017). A framework for analyzing institutional gaps in natural resource governance. International Journal of the Commons 11(2), 823-853.

  14. Lowitt, K. Saint Ville, A., Keddy, C., Hickey, G., & Phillip, L. (2016). Challenges and opportunities for more integrated regional food security policy in the Caribbean Community. Regional Studies, Regional Science 3(1), 368-378.

  15. Lowitt, K., Saint Ville, A., Lewis, P., & Hickey, G. (2015). Environmental change and food security: The special case of Small Island Developing States. Regional Environmental Change 15(7), 1293-1298. 

  16. Lowitt, K., Hickey, G., Ganpat, W., & Phillip, L. (2015). Linking communities of practice with value chain development in smallholder farming systems. World Development 74, 363-373. 

  17. Lowitt, K., Hickey, G., Saint Ville., A., Raeburn, K., Thompson-Colon, T., Laszlo, S., & Phillip, L. (2015). Factors affecting the innovation potential of smallholders farmers in the Caribbean Community. Regional Environmental Change 15(7), 1367-1377. 

  18.  Lowitt, K. (2014). A coastal foodscape: Examining the relationships between changing fisheries and community food security. Ecology and Society 19(3), 48.  

  19. Lowitt, K. (2013). Examining fisheries contributions to community food security: Findings from a household seafood consumption survey on the west coast of Newfoundland. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 8(2), 221-241. 

  20. Lowitt, K. (2012). The reinvention and performance of traditional Newfoundland foodways in culinary tourism in the Bonne Bay region. Newfoundland and Labrador Studies 27(1).

  21. Lowitt, K. (2010). Exploring connections among people, places, and food in three Nova Scotia farmers’ markets. Cuizine 2(3). 

Book chapters  

  1. Lowitt, K. (2022). From water to plate: Making fisheries a part of sustainable food systems. In Szanto, D., Knezevic, I., & Di Battista, A. (Eds.), Food Studies: Matter, Meaning, Movement. Available open access here. 

  2. Connell, J., Lowitt, K., Saint Ville, A., & Hickey, G. (2020). Food security and sovereignty in small island developing states: Contemporary crises and challenges. In Connell, J. & Lowitt, K. (Eds.), Food Security in Small Island States (pp.1-23). Springer. 

  3. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C., Lauzon, R., Ryan, K. & Sayers, D. (2019). Indigenous self-determination and food sovereignty through fisheries governance in the Great Lakes Region. In Andrée, P., Clark, J., Levkoe, C., & Lowitt, K. (Eds.), Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Routledge Press. Available open access here.

  4. Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C.Z., Song, A., Hickey, G., & Nelson, C. (2019). Broadening the scope: Fisheries and place-based food systems in the Lake Superior region. In Chuenpagdee, R. & Jentoft, S. (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance. Springer Nature.

  5. Lowitt, K. & Neis, B. (2018). The retail food environment and household food provisioning strategies in the rural region of Bonne Bay on Newfoundland’s west coast. Keske, C., (Ed.), Newfoundland Food Futures Anthology (pp. 213-233). St John's, NL: ISER Books.   

  6. Lowitt, K., Gray-Donald, K., Hickey, G., Saint Ville, A., Ganderson, I., Madramootoo, C., Phillip, L. (2018). The obesity pandemic & food insecurity in developing countries: A case study from the Caribbean. In Karpyn, A., (Ed.), Food and Public Health. Oxford University Press. 

  7. Lowitt, K., Mount, P., Khan, A., & Clement, C. (2016). Governing challenges for local food systems: Emerging lessons from agriculture and fisheries. In Anderson, C., Brady, J. & Levkoe C. (Eds.), Conversations in Food Studies (pp. 125-127)Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press.

  8. Lowitt, K. (2011). Fish and fisheries in the evolution of Newfoundland foodways. In Chuenpagdee, R.,(Ed.), World small-scale fisheries: Contemporary visions (pp.117-131). The Netherlands: Eburon Academic Publishers.

Books and special issues

  1. Connell, J. & Lowitt, K. (Editors). (2020). Food Security in Small Island States. Springer. (Compiled from previously published material). 

  2. Andrée, P., Clark, J., Levkoe, C.Z., & Lowitt, K. (Editors). (2019). Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment. Available open access here. 

  3. Lowitt, K., Hickey, G.M., Saint Ville, A. & Lewis, P. (Guest Editors of Special Issue). (2015). Environmental Change and Food Security: The special case of Small Island Developing States. Regional Environmental Change 15(7). 


  1. Lowitt, K. (2023). [Review of the book Eating the Ocean: Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada by Brian Payne]. Canadian Journal of Health History. 

  2. Lowitt, K. (2020). [Review of the book Indigenous Food Systems: Concepts, Cases and Conversations, Edited by P. Settee & S. Shukla]. Canadian Food Studies 7(1), 178-180. 

  3. Lowitt, K. (2017). [Review of the book Globalization, agriculture and food in the Caribbean, Edited by C. Beckford & K. Rhiney]. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development 7(2). 

Reports, briefs, and popular research contributions (selected) 

  1. Lowitt, K., Harrison, H., Knott, C., Loring, P., Neis, B., Olson, A., Walsh, D., & Weyner, R. (2022). The case for basic income in the fisheries. Coalition Canada.  

  2. Lowitt, K., Cooper, J., & Blaise, K. (2022, forthcoming). Racism, traditional food access, and industrial development across Ontario: Perspectives from the fields of environmental law and environmental studies. Canadian Food Studies.

  3. Lowitt, K. & Levkoe, C.Z. (2020, May 6). Keeping fish local can help feed communities and support economies. The Conversation Canada. Available online  

  4. Lowitt, K., Nagy, M., Nelson, C., & Bavington, D. (2013). Where's the fish? Alternatives Journal 39(4).